Gesher 2015: 14-17 of May 0

Gesher is the largest and most unforgettable annual Jewish event in the Balkans. It is a 4 day festival of Jewish learning and professional development, through various activities, lectures, discussions & workshops for young Jews aged 18-35, which reinforce the diversity of each person’s Jewish identity.

Gesher 2015: Bulgaria, 14-17 of May 2015

The international team of volunteers has already spent two months working hard for creating a unique experience for the youth of the Balkans.

We invite you to be part of the Gesher 2015 experience!

At Gesher you learn from one another, exchange ideas and strengthen connections between Jewish communities in the Balkan region. As a Gesher alumni, you immediately become part of a vast extended Balkan Jewish family that keeps you coming back year after year!

For best  Gesher experience take the Survey of Interests:

Online registration  

Registration is carried out exclusively online.
In a short time you will receive an e-mail confirming acceptance.

●► click here to register for Gesher 2015


Payment: online or in cash

■ 180 lei – early registration, until 12 of April
■ 220 lei – after 12 of April
■ 130 lei two way transportation by bus from Bucharest and back

Payment can be done in cash at the JCC front desk (contact us for details) or online, by creditcard

●► click here for online payment

* Dacă renunţarea la participare se face cu o săptămână înaintea evenimentului, este posibil să nu putem restitui parțial ori integral integral contributiile deja achitate. De asemenea, costul transportului va putea fi returnat doar în măsura în care transportatorul va accepta restituirea parțială ori integrală a acestuia ori in cazul in care nu va afecta suma globala calculata pentru transportul de grup. Renuntarea trebuie facuta in scris, prin aceleasi mijloace ca inscrierea.



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