Purim-Party in lumea meseriilor 1

Purim-Party “In Lumea Meseriilor”
sambata, 11 martie 2017, 21:30

Party-Bal Mascat / humantasi / open bar / DJ STROKE (Israel) / formatie live / concurs de costume cu premii mari.

Dress code tips: doctor / pompier / politist / cosar / controlor RATB :-)

Bilete (inainte de eveniment):
● 20 lei green ticket (acces nelimitat la bar doar bauturi racoritoare)
● 40 lei red ticket (acces nelimitat la bar).

In ziua evenimentului biletele vor fi 40/60 lei.

>> Get your Purim ticket  here with credit card  <<

Info & bilete: 0724117777 (Miriam) sau 0213202608 (Receptia JCC)

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  1. Iris Weissbuch says:

    Banii pentru Shabbaton

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